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Friday, January 28, 2011

Smokin' Joe

Hello, here's another super cool link of a great mini movie about Joe Frazier!

[AW] What I think about the Klitchko brothers...

So... I started this argument in Youtube about who's better Mike Tyson or Vitali Klitchko. That's just stupid. You've got to be very, very limited in your mind to say that Klitchko is better than Tyson. First of all Mike Tyson is a legend, Vitali is not. He'll never be. Mike Tyson has much more power than Klitchko, he is also much faster, more elusive and I bet Vitali wouldn't be able to hit him with a jab. They both have good chins. They both haven't defeated anybody special. Vitali's last 3 fights are versus boxers above 30 years old and of course old Shannon Briggs. I won't say anything about Tyson-Klitchko anymore, because it really doesn't need any more evidence.
So now let me move to the main theme of this post - what I think about the Klitchko brothers. Well definitely I prefer watching Wladimir over Vitali, because he is more interesting, more explosive, but he isn't a *better* boxer. Vitali has a better chin and has a better style. Actually I prefer watching Holyfield over these brothers. I'll tell you why. First of all Holyfield may be 48 years old, or 50, or 60 years old BUT he still is Holyfield. Just look at the footwork of these Ukrainian brothers - it doesn't exist! Of course Tyson didn't have footwork, but he didn't need one, he was elusive. Klitchko gets nailed with every punch. In the Lewis fight, Vitali may have had the edge, but he got outsmarted by old Lennox (lots of respect). Lewis just went for his cut and finished the fight. That's what Klitchkos are missing - the smarts. The granite chin and muscular body DON'T make you a legend, these things don't put your name next to the likes of Muhammad Ali, Rocky Marciano, Jack Johnson, Mike Tyson, Holyfield, Luis, Lewis, Frazier, Liston, Foreman... YOU NAME THEM. You can have a decent chin, you can have a muscular body, but you can still be a statue. You can have a 6-pack and still get destroyed by a 50-year old with a belly... So the Klitchkos will never be legends in my opinion, because they need to get smarter in that ring and there is no time. This year Vitali will turn 40! I don't see any way for him to become anything more than a good boxer - to become a legend. With all respect. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

[AW] Top 20 Heavyweights of all time

Hello. :)
I just came across this great video of the top 20 heavyweights in boxing of all time and I wanna share it with you guys.

[AW] When boxing gets personal...

I don't know about you but I just love it when boxing gets personal. It's always funny when boxers take on each other out of the ring. This LINK is just so funny. I laughed my ass off.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to Muhammad Ali!

Yep. Today is the 17th of January and also... Muhammad Ali's birthday! Don't need to say who Ali is or what he has done in his career. The only thing that needs to be said is: Greatest Of All Times. For some people it was like yesterday when he was fighting all those great matches: The Fight of the Century, Rumble in the Jungle, Thrilla in Manila... Muhammad Ali is legendary, he is not from this planet when we talk about his boxing skills. Just take this note - one of the greatest fans of Ali is Mike Tyson himself. Write that down and don't forget it!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

[AW] Boxing Ring, Ring Tactics and Boxing Corner

Have you ever wondered what all the elements in and/or around the boxing ring are? Have you ever wondered how big the ring is? Well, this is the article for you! The picture above represents a typical atmosphere during a boxing match.
*NOTE: There are 4 judges in a boxing match - 3 outside the ring who score the fight and 1 inside the ring - commonly known as the referee.
As you've probably heard they call any boxing ring - the magic square, because it is a square. Each of the 4 sides is identical to the other 3 and can be from 4.1 to 6.9 meters long. As you can see the ring is 'lifted' off the ground. This 'lifting' is done so that people in the crowd can see what's going on inside. The canvas is 0.9 meters above the ground.
On each corner of the ring there is a pole. The poles are all connected with 4 ropes. These ropes serve as a wall and as a cage at the same time. 2 nearby ropes form a corner. There are 4 corners - 1 red corner, 1 blue corner and 2 neutral corners. The blue and the red corners as well as the 2 neutral corners are opposing each other and are positioned diagonally. Boxers sit in the red and the blue corner and in an event of a knockdown the boxer who is still standing must go to the nearest neutral corner.
Every professional boxer has a "corner". This time the word "corner" refers to the people who are with him during the 60 second break between rounds. Three people form a boxer's corner - a trainer, an assistant trainer and a cutman. Both trainers give tips to the boxer, explain tactics that he should apply next round in order to improve his performance. The cutman takes care if the boxer has any damage on his face - a swelling, a cut, etc. He uses a special gel that can't contain more than 1/1000 adrenaline (so I've heard). This gel is used to stop the bleeding.
Ring tactics are probably more important than the skill of the boxer, because when applied they can turn a match around. I won't explain any ring tactics in this post, because it is already too long. All I can say for now is that these tactics depend a lot on the boxer's footwork, distance sense and brain. I believe in this: What makes you lose a boxing match is your own stupidity! Don't be stupid! Be clever and creative!

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