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Saturday, November 27, 2010

[SNS] My Video

I just made a video about Mike Tyson. It's kinda strange, because it's just slomo moments of his best fights. Dunno if you gonna like it. Link:

Friday, November 26, 2010

[GF] Riddick Bowe - Evander Holyfield

I decided to start the Greatest Fights day with this battle of boxing giants, because I have a deep sympathy for Holyfield. This fight took place in 1992. The challenger Bowe took on the champion Holyfield, who was claimed as the outsider, because to this point he hasn't beaten anybody big in boxing.
The match started and both men had very different ideas. Bowe was using his superior punching power and longer reach and held the fight in his hands by a couple of points. Holyfield to this moment had never fought the big heavyweights, but he showed true champion heart.
In the epic 10th round Bowe landed a powerful jab and Holyfield tied him up. During the clinch Bowe managed to free himself and connected a tremendous uppercut that snapped Holyfield's head backwards. Another right hand and 'The Real Deal' was in the soup. Bowe threw everything he got at Holyfield, but 'The Warrior' didn't give up and even fought back.
The commentators were shouting that the fight is going to be stopped and that Holyfield already lost, but a strong right by 'Real Deal' connected... and then another one... and another. Evander Holyfield was now the one who dominated. The crowd was screaming as the two men were fighting for dear life. Link:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

[AW] Everybody loves Raym... Muhammad Ali!

Muhammad Ali seems to be a world icon and a common idol to young boxers. Nicknamed "Greatest of all Time", Ali is a three-time Heavyweight Champion of the world. This man fought every legend of his time and won most of his fights. He fought Ken Norton, Joe Frazier, Sonny Liston, George Foreman and more and more and more! His personality is unique, his footwork is unique, his style and appearance are unique as well. He talks a lot, but in the ring he hits the jackpot. He humiliates his opponents, makes them look slow and funny and wins millions of fans around the world. This is Muhammad Ali!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[AW] Rocky 6 Inspirational Speech

This Rocky 6 Speech just gets me going every time. If you lack of motivation or inspiration, you better watch this.


Monday, November 22, 2010

[T5] Biggest Upsets

5. Holyfield - Tyson I
The X Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson was just 11 months out of jail and he already had 2 belts. He devastated the world destroying two heavyweight champions for less than 4 rounds combined. Evander Holyfield had other plans. During the fight Mike Tyson got headbutted and received a cut. Holyfield used that and went for the kill.
Winner: Evander Holyfield by TKO Round 11

4. Roy Jones Jr. - Antonio Tarver II
Roy Jones had dominated Tarver in the first fight and won a decision. In the second fight, however, Tarver attacked from round one. One of his shots dropped Roy Jones. The Champ was in trouble.
Winner: Antonio Tarver by KO Round 2

3. Ali - Foreman
"Should Muhammad Ali retire?" was the question that every boxing fan around the world asked himself while Ali was making his entrance. The Greatest wasn't ready to pack it in. He didn't dance, he didn't use his speed. He went into the rope a dope and stayed there for 5 rounds. Foreman was worn out, he punched himself out. Ali used a fast, devastating combination to Foreman's head and the contender went down.
Winner: Muhammad Ali by KO Round 8

2. Ali - Liston II
After their first fight, that Ali won, Liston was full of rage and wanted a revenge. Muhammad Ali used his blinding speed and dropped Liston after just 2 minutes into the fight. Ali then started yelling at Liston to get up and fight, but his opponent just wasn't in condition to continue.
Winner: Muhammad Ali by KO Round 1

1. Tyson - Douglas
Douglas was a 42:1 underdog. Tyson, however, wasn't training and while Buster was getting his beauty sleep, Tyson was going to parties all over Tokyo. On D-Day James 'Buster' Douglas started pretty good and the fight was even until the 8th round. Tyson then dropped Douglas with a lucky uppercut, but Buster got up. In the 10th round Douglas busted the lights of Mike and dropped him for the first time in his career. Tyson didn't beat the count and Douglas was crowned the new Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the world.
Winner: James 'Buster' Douglas by KO Round 10

Sunday, November 21, 2010

21.11.2010 [UPDATE]

  • Monday - My Top5 [T5]
  • Tuesday - Article World [AW]
  • Wednesday - Boxing Biography [BB]
  • Thursday - Article World [AW]
  • Friday - Greatest Fights [GF]
  • Saturday - Saturday Night Special [SNS]
  • Sunday - World News [WN]
The following list contains the type of article I'll post each day. Each type of article is unique and contains different information.
My Top5 or simply [T5] will contain my top 5 list of something. Let's say: [T5] Greatest Punchers Of All Time. These 5 things will be based not only on my boxing knowledge, but also on some of the world's best coaches, analysers and etc.
Article World or simply [AW] is found twice on that list. These articles contain interesting information about boxing world and boxers in general.
Boxing Biography or [BB] will contain biographies of some boxers.
Greatest Fights a.k.a. [GF] is an article in which some of the greatest fights in boxing history will be revisited.
World News / [WN] are the news at the end of every week.
Saturday Night Special is a secret for now. Have to wait until next Saturday.

Friday, November 19, 2010


In order to write more often I've been thinking for a while now for some updates. I'm going to make a schedule and I'm going to follow it every week. I don't know what's going to be in it or how it's going to work, but as soon as I'm done, I'm going to post it here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mike Tyson's Full Punch Number List [RARE]

I finally finished my research about Mike Tyson's Punch Number List. After some hours searching through movies, forums, sites and archives I finally assembled the whole list. Now the idea behind these numbers is that your opponent does not understand what you're gonna throw at him. Insted of hearing "Jab, Jab, Straight, Hook, Left Uppercut" and so on, he'll hear "7,7,2,1,3" and he won't know what the heck is this. In your mind there will be no left hook, there is just "one". You know the numbers, not the punches. So here it goes:

1 - Left Hook to Head
2 - Right Hook / Right Straight to Head (I believe that yelling only '2' means that you should throw a right hand lead.)
3 - Left Uppercut to Head
4 - Right Uppercut to Head
5 - Left Hook / Left Uppercut to Body
6 - Right Hook / Right Uppercut to Body
7 - Left Jab to Head
8 - Left Jab to Body

7-7-2 is a fast combination of two jabs and a right cross.
7-2-5 is another useful combination, which ends with a left hook to the ribs.
7-6-4 is my personal favourite, because you start with a really fast jab, another fast right hand to the ribs and you snap his head backwards with an uppercut.
5-6-1 also known as Body-Body-Head is used mainly to get out of a clinch and hurt your opponent while doing it.
6-2-2 is a combination that Tyson used against Trevor Berbick. Such fast combinations really hurt and stun your opponent.

Friday, November 5, 2010

7 Quick Boxing Tips

1. Move your head
Moving you head is one of the best ways to avoid meeting the opponent's punch. Keep your head in constant motion and remember:
you don't get hit = you don't lose.

2. Judge the distance
Judging the best distance is a very, very hard thing that comes with practise and a lot of hours in front of the heavy bag. If you come short you don't hit with your whole power and you get in your opponent's range as well, come long and you'll miss - that's a potential counter-attack to your head!

3. Feet and hands
I always like to say to myself: "Hands are only tools, feet are the engines." Use your hips! With right hip movement you can double the power.

4. Don't get old
Never use the same combinations and punches. Use jabs to open the opponent, but also throw right hand leads, which can be one of the most powerful weapons. Always attack with different punches from different hands. Never allow yourself to be predictable! Champion fighters are champion liers!

5. Keep your guard up
No matter what you do, how you fight, when you fight or who you fight, you got to keep those hands up and expect to get hit. Have a plan B if you get surprised by a punch and remember : there's nothing wrong with going back and covering yourself up.

6. Be motivated
Always go into the squared circle fully motivated and confident in your skills. You are always going to be afraid. When you're not afraid that's when you got to be worried.
"The fighter who has gone into the ring and hasn't experienced fear is either a lier, or a psychopath." - Cus D'Amato (manager and trainer of Mike Tyson)

7. Never give up
Don't give up, don't show weakness to your opponent, don't let him take advantage! Fighters fight!
"It's not the size of the man that matters, but the size of his heart!" - Evander Holyfield ;)

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